

Enrol now

  • Sign up now and start your training
  • Follow the modules at your own pace and develop the CX strategies you need
  • Gain the skills to make CX strategy an integral part of your organisation
  • Upon completion of the CX Masterclass, take the test and earn your Customer Experience Master Certificate

What you gain

  • A thorough understanding of CX, the skills and tools needed to create new strategies, and how to drive improvements in existing strategies
  • The confidence and knowledge to discuss and implement CX strategies at the highest level in your organisation
  • A professional qualification, accredited and validated by leaders in the CX world
  • Insights into the crucial role that technology and data now play in Customer Experience Excellence
  • How to establish an Employee Experience programme (EX) and build a culture of employee empowerment
  • The expertise to advance your career and speak the language of leadership

    Are you a professional or student?

    Professional (1,850 euros)Student (1,250 euros)

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