CXM Foundations: Empower the entire organization to deliver exceptional CX

A practical, scalable CX training program designed to elevate customer-centricity across every team and department.


Employees lack the skills to consistently deliver the desired customer experience.

Teams lack a shared understanding of customer-centric principles.

Disjointed experiences lead to frustrated customers and missed growth opportunities.


We take the burden off your shoulders
Our expertly designed curriculum, developed with adult learning principles in mind, provides the CX foundation your company needs.

Rapid, company-wide upskilling
We offer flexible, efficient training formats to quickly elevate the CX knowledge of your entire organization – from frontline staff to team leads.

Consistency is Key
Our proven methodology ensures everyone receives the same foundational CX knowledge, creating a shared language and approach throughout your company.


Measurable CX Improvement
Reduce friction points and boost customer satisfaction scores.

Enhanced Team Collaboration
Break down silos and foster a customer-focused mindset across departments.

Empowered Employees
Equip your teams with the tools to confidently deliver positive customer interactions.

Increased Customer Loyalty and Brand Advocacy
Turn satisfied customers into loyal promoters.

How we strengthen your CX Program

The CXM Foundations program is your strategic tool that empowers your entire organization to champion and execute your CX vision. By building company-wide CX literacy, it accelerates existing initiatives, fosters cross-departmental buy-in, and unlocks creative energy to do right by the customer. These shifts directly contribute to the success of your overall CX program.


Achieve CX Excellence faster

Teams aligned with your vision implement strategies seamlessly, leading to rapid progress.


A unified CX Culture

Break down silos and foster a collaborative environment where everyone focuses on the customer experience.


Gain peace of mind

We handle the heavy lifting of CX training, freeing you to lead and execute on your broader CX vision.


Secure CX success

A customer-centric foundation ensures your competitive advantage and empowers your organization to adapt to changing customer expectations.


Relevant examples and case studies

Learn from real-world case studies drawn from your local market, making sure the examples are always relevant and recognizable.


Gain peace of mind

We handle the heavy lifting of CX training, freeing you to lead and execute on your broader CX vision.

The CXM Foundations program provides a blueprint for building your customer-centric organization. Our curriculum is rooted in local CX best practices and tailored for immediate results in your industry. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge across essential areas, including:


  • Understanding the Foundations of CX: Discover the key principles that drive positive customer experiences, their impact on brand loyalty, and how to align CX efforts with your overall business goals.


  • Decoding the Voice of the Customer: Master techniques for gathering and interpreting customer feedback effectively. Learn how to turn customer insights into actionable strategies that meet – and exceed – their expectations.


  • Mapping the Journey to Success: Deep dive into customer journey mapping, identifying the critical touchpoints that drive satisfaction. Develop the tools to anticipate customer needs and proactively create seamless experiences.


  • Learning from CX Leaders: Explore real-world case studies focusing on how European organizations excel in customer-centricity. Get inspired by proven strategies and best practices you can adapt for your own business.


  • Putting It All into Practice: Engage in scenarios designed to help you apply the concepts learned, make customer-focused decisions, and champion positive change in your unique role.

The program is designed for flexibility and impact. Our online modules were developed by instructional designers, experts in adult learning, and experienced CX professionals, ensuring an engaging and effective experience. Choose a fully online format, or opt for our hybrid model that combines self-paced learning with a collaborative workshop for even deeper application of the concepts. For unique situations, we also deliver instructor-led classroom sessions.


Practical Information


Program Length

The CXM Foundations program takes into account the busy schedules of your team members. The full curriculum can be completed through self-paced online modules, typically designed to be finished within one day. The hybrid option includes a 4-hour interactive workshop to reinforce concepts and provide a collaborative learning experience.


Our online modules are created by experienced CX practitioners. Workshop sessions are led by CXM Academy certified instructors.


Upon successful completion of the program, participants are awarded a CXM Foundations Certificate of Completion, demonstrating their commitment and expertise in customer-centricity.


We offer flexible pricing plans based on the size of your organization and your chosen delivery model (fully online, hybrid, or instructor-led).

Content access

Training materials and resources remain available to participants for one year, allowing for continued learning and reference.

Language Options

Modules are delivered in virtually any language, ensuring accessibility for your global workforce.

    You can always change the number of employees later. The number provided here will be used to create a tailored offer.

    We take your privacy seriously. Your data is stored so that we can follow up your request. You will find more information about what we do with your data in our privacy declaration.